
This is an introduction to the Flint convention, and it is simply an artificial 3 Diamonds response to a 2 No Trump opening. It was devised by Mr. Jeremy Flint of England to permit the partnership to stop the auction below game. Mr. Jeremy Flint was born August 30, 1928, and died November 15, 1989. Mr. Jeremy Flint is credited with devising other conventions, but this one carries his name.


The features of the Flint convention is that the 2 No Trump opener, after responder bids 3 Diamonds, is forced to rebid 3 Hearts. The responder passes if his long suit is in Hearts. Otherwise, the responder rebids 3 Spades, 4 Clubs, or 4 Diamonds, depending on his long suit. The opener is then expected to pass this rebid by the responder, but may continue to a game contract if his holdings are suitable for game.

Note: The designation of Flint also defines the fundamental treatment of Mr. Jeremy Flint, which introduced the concept of bidding up the line, presently common practice when playing the Acol system, as opposed to the original concept of bidding 4-card suits from the top.

The responder can still bid 3 Diamonds as a natural bid if he follows with any action other than a minimum suit bid. If the responder next bids 3 No Trump, for example, the responder is showing a Diamond suit and moderate slam interest.

Three Diamond Conventional Method

An example illustrates this concept. The general range for a 2 No Trump opening bid in the Acol bidding system is 20 to 22 high card points and a balanced distribution.

Example 1

South   North   Meaning
2 NT       Shows a range between 20 and 22 high card points and a balanced distribution.
    3   The Flint conventional method is triggered and the opener must rebid 3 Hearts.
3       If the suit of the responder is Hearts, as in the above example, then the responder will pass.

Example 2

South   North   Meaning
2 NT       Shows a range between 20 and 22 high card points and a balanced distribution.
    3   The Flint conventional method is triggered and the opener must rebid 3 Hearts.
3       If the suit of the responder is Hearts, as in the above example, then the responder will pass.
    3   If Hearts is not the suit of the responder, then the responder corrects to the correct suit. Partner must pass.

Note: Depending on the length of the suit the responder can correct to any suit including the Minor suits on the four level.

Three Club Conventional Method

One modification of the Flint convention is the Flint Three Club Convention, as opposed to the Flint Three Diamond convention. The Flint Three Club conventional method allows the partnership to stop in a 3 Diamonds contract, or three of a Major suit after a 2 No Trump opening. A 3 Club response forces the opener to bid 3 Diamonds, after which the responder then passes or signs off in a Major suit. Using this modification, a 3 Diamonds response is used as Stayman.

Example 1

South   North   Meaning
2 NT       Shows a range between 20 and 22 high card points and a balanced distribution.
    3   The Flint Three Club conventional method is triggered and the opener must rebid 3 Diamonds.
3       The responder will now pass below game in the best possible suit.

Example 2

South   North   Meaning
2 NT       Shows a range between 20 and 22 high card points and a balanced distribution.
    3   When the agreement is the Flint Three Club conventional method, then 3 Diamonds becomes a Stayman-asking bid.
3       The opener bids the lower-ranking Major suit when holding both 4 cards in both Major suits.

Since the partnership does not have any game contract, then there is no possible means of determining whether or not opener holds both 4-card Major suits. In such an attempt the partnership would reach a game level, which would not succeed.

Flint Two Diamonds Modification

A second modification of the Flint conventional method is the Flint Two Diamonds conventional method, and is used to investigate game in a No Trump contract or a Minor suit after a Weak No Trump opening. A 2 Diamonds response shows either a hand with a solid Minor suit or an unbalanced hand with at least four cards in each Minor suit.

The opener then rebids a 4-card Major suit if he has one or bids 2 No Trump if he does not have a 4-card Major suit. The responder will then make his rebid and clarify his holdings.

It must be noted that the introduction of the Transfer Bids has decreased the popularity of the Flint convention, and these bids are rarely applied in modern day auctions.

Example 1

South   North   Meaning
1 NT       A weak Acol No Trump opening shows a range between 12 and 14 high card points and a balanced distribution.
    2   When the agreement is the modified Flint Two Diamonds conventional method, then 2 Diamonds shows either a holding with a solid Minor suit, or an unbalanced holding with at least four cards in each Minor suit.
Options for the Opener:
2       Shows a 4-card Heart suit.
2       Shows a 4-card Spade suit.
2 NT       Denies a 4-card Major suit.
    Options for the Responder:
    4   Promises a fit in Hearts and game values.
    4   Promises a fit in Spades and game values.
    3 NT   Promises a solid Minor suit with trick-taking ability.

The options for the opener and for the responder are co-joined and should be read in this manner.

Reverse Flint Conventional Modification

A third modification of the Flint convention is the Reverse Flint conventional method. This is a variation on the Flint convention using the Club response to a weak No Trump opening to allow the partnership to stop at a low level when the responder is very weak. The opener is obliged to bid Diamonds, after which the responder may pass, if the responder has Diamonds, or signs off by bidding his real suit. When using this convention it is usual to use the Diamond bid as Stayman. This modification and/or variation is also known as Gladiator.



If you wish to include this feature, or any other feature, of the game of bridge in your partnership agreement, then please make certain that the concept is understood by both partners. Be aware whether or not the feature is alertable or not and whether an announcement should or must be made. Check with the governing body and/or the bridge district and/or the bridge unit prior to the game to establish the guidelines applied. Please include the particular feature on your convention card in order that your opponents are also aware of this feature during the bidding process, since this information must be made known to them according to the Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge. We do not always include the procedure regarding Alerts and/or Announcements, since these regulations are changed and revised during time by the governing body. It is our intention only to present the information as concisely and as accurately as possible.
