
The origin of this variation of the Ogust conventional method is unknown. Mr. Harold A. Ogust devised a convention in the 1950s, whereby the partner of the player, who opens the auctions with a Weak Two Bid, has the opportunity to question the weakness or strength of the holding of the opener by bidding 2 No Trump.

To have a method of questioning the strength and location of control cards in the hand of the partner can be essential, if the responder holds sufficient values, properly located honors, and at least one entry to the to the dummy in case he becomes the declarer.


Historical Background

Since all bridge governing bodies have regulated the minimum high card point range to be generally at least 5 high card points (the range should be announced) before a Weak Two Bid can be made, a holding of 13 plus high card points in the hand of the partner allows the assumption that approximately 50% of the high card values are held by each partnership. If, however, the responses of the opener inform the partner that certain key cards are located in the correct spot, then game is a strong possibility.

Mr. Harald Ogust devised a method, whereby Relay Bids can show weak hand and weak suit to a good hand and good suit. The responder gathers this information and bases it upon the setting of the final contract.

However, the flaws of this particular method were obvious and the bridge community has been attempting to overcome these flaws ever since.

Modified Ogust

Note: This concept is also referred to as September.

Mr. Jeff Goldsmith suggested that the 2 No Trump forcing bid by the responder indicate the Losing Trick Count held by the Weak Two Bid opener be the deciding factor in determining the final contract. For some unexplained reason, Mr. Jeff Goldsmith called this method September. In examining the following illustration of a Weak Two Bid opening, it can be determined that there are 8 losers:


There are 2 Spade losers, 2 Heart losers, 1 Diamond loser, and 3 Club losers. The total of the losers constitute the Losing Trick Count.


The auction has proceeded as follows:

North   East   South   West
2   Pass   2 NT   Pass

After the one-round forcing 2 No Trump response by South, North describes the amount of losers in his hand according to the following bids:

3 : Shows a poor, weak Two Bid with 9 losers.
3 : Shows a weak hand with 8 losers.
3 : Shows a strong hand with 8 losers.
3 : Shows a good hand with 7 losers or fewer.

Mr. Jeff Goldsmith has expanded on the distinction of Losing Trick Count as the guideline for setting the final contract. The concept behind showing a holding with 8 losers is compensated by using Relay bidding.

North South
2 2 NT
3 shows 8 losers or good hand   3
  Relay bid for additional information
  Awaiting rebid of 3 or 3
Continuations of 3 or 3
3 shows poor trump honors    
3 shows good trump honors    
Continuations following 2 NT
3 shows 8 losers and a poor holding    
3 shows 9 plus losers and a poor holding    
3 shows 7 losers or fewer and a good holding    

After the information by the opener has been communicated to the partner, the partner can then set the final contract by correctly analyzing the descriptive information received through the Relay bid and the rebids of the opener. The responder must correctly interpret this information and decide whether to play the final contract in partscore or in game based on the strength and location of honors in his own holding.



If you wish to include this feature, or any other feature, of the game of bridge in your partnership agreement, then please make certain that the concept is understood by both partners. Be aware whether or not the feature is alertable or not and whether an announcement should or must be made. Check with the governing body and/or the bridge district and/or the bridge unit prior to the game to establish the guidelines applied. Please include the particular feature on your convention card in order that your opponents are also aware of this feature during the bidding process, since this information must be made known to them according to the Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge. We do not always include the procedure regarding Alerts and/or Announcements, since these regulations are changed and revised during time by the governing body. It is our intention only to present the information as concisely and as accurately as possible.
